Frequently Asked Questions
What days and times can you service my pool?
We offer cleaning services at your convenience, Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 17:00. Should you require exclusive or specific times, please get in touch with our
Do I have the right size pool filter?
It is important to match the size of your pool filter to the size of your pool, but also to the size of your pool pump’s motor. Larger pools need stronger pumps (higher flow rate) to circulate the body of water in your pool. Furthermore, each cubic centimetre of water needs to move through the filter to effectively filter particles and debris from the water. If the pump is too strong or too weak for an inadequately sized filter, the filter cannot perform optimally. It may even cause too much pressure to build up in your filter, which could lead to cracks and water loss and damage.
What does a pool cleaning service entail?
With every visit, we clean the pool (scrub walls and stairs, vacuum the pool floor, scoop out all leaves and debris), clean out all baskets, test the water chemistry for pH, free chlorine, total alkalinity, stabiliser and calcium hardness. All pool equipment (pump, filter, chlorinator, pool cleaner) is inspected for damage and, we make sure that your filter is clean of any dirt and blockages.
How do you access my property if I'm not there?
Should there not be someone to allow us access to your property, our office can arrange for and store a copy of your pool-area gate key.
Do I need a pool service company to maintain my pool?
Avoiding algae and equipment problems is the reason to hire a professional in the first place. A professional pool service company can protect your valuable investment. They ensure properly working equipment and well-balanced water chemistry, and allow you to enjoy your pool instead of running around looking for the right chemicals, educating yourself on pool-related matters and trying to make time to care for it yourself.
The water level in my pool is dropping. Do I have a leak?
You must consider increased evaporation first, found mostly during summer. Do a bucket test to be sure. Fill a bucket with water and put it on the shallow step of your pool. Make sure the water level inside the bucket matches that in the pool. After 2–3 days, you should find the same level still in the bucket compared to the pool. If not, you probably have a leak.
Why are there bubbles in my pool?
Air leaks may develop in your swimming pool pump or in the suction pump line (PVC lining) that run from the pool to the pump, resulting in air bubble-laden water.